1000 Subscribers milestone | A gift to all who supported me

7 ratings

This is a thank you gift for my Youtube viewers, that have been so supporting. It contains some really cool stuff:

  • The "GN-pack_points_inside_Mesh" preset | Geometry Node preset
  • An use case for the above preset (what you see in the demo video) | Geometry Node setup
  • The "Glitch FX [gift on 1000 subscribers milestone]" preset. You can see that one in action in the Holographic planet map project | Shader Node Group preset
  • 2 cool looking materials: "transparent_bubble-mat" (the bubbles in the demo video) & "floor-mat" (the cool background from the demo video) | Shader materials
  • The "C-Transition FX" preset. A really useful node for adding all kind of transitions | Compositing Node Group preset

The project demo was rendered in the Blender 3.3 alpha build from 15 June 2022, but is not using any specific 3.3 features, so it should work just fine in Blener 3.2

© 2022. This work is licensed under a CC0 license.


By downloading this project file, you agree with the terms of its use listed below:

!!! This project is offered "as is" meaning I can not guarantee that things will work on your computer, as I do not have the resources to test it on all hardware and software combinations available in the world. If something goes wrong, I can not be held responsible for any damage you may suffer be that lost time, data or anything else.!!!

With that said, thank you for downloading this project. Have fun with it and do not hesitate to contact me if you need help understanding the project, I will gladly try do assist you, if the time and circumstances will allow it.

I want this!

The node trees are neatly arranged and labeled so you can learn it and easily and change things. As usual, check the Modifier Stack for tooltips with details on parameter purpuse.

2 Geometry Node trees: One used to make the demo video and the "GN-pack_points_inside_Mesh" preset
4 Materials. 1 simple Emission shader, 1 making the background, 1 making the bubbles & a bonus"Glitch FX [gift on 1000 subscribers milestone]" preset
1 Compositor Node Group preset, to make transitions: "C-Transition FX" preset
3.99 MB
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1000 Subscribers milestone | A gift to all who supported me

7 ratings
I want this!